Drawing Supplies For This Tutorial:
HB, 2B & 3B pencils, tissue, tortillon/stump, kneaded eraser, white eraser, clickable eraser.
Pencil Outline
STEP 1: Take a 2H or HB pencil and draw an outline of the dog’s nose. Make sure the pencil marks are not too dark. If lines get too dark, you can use a kneaded eraser to help lighten them up more.
Shading the Nostrils and Nose

Step 2: Using a 2B pencil, shade the nostrils to a medium shade. For the rest of the nose, shade with an HB pencil. Keep your shading strokes close together leaving no white gaps between. Leave out the lighter areas as shown.
Building Up Tones
Step 3: In this stage, I had gone over the nose using a 2B pencil. I added more pressure in the darker areas and shaded them over the highlighted areas but left them lighter.
Step 4: Using a tortillon (or stump), gently blend in the entire nose. I began with the nostrils first by adding more pressure. I then blended in the rest of the nose with less pressure around highlighted areas. I often turned my tortillon into a clean area to prevent smudging.
Adding Texture

Step 5: As shown above, take a sharp 4B pencil and create small irregular shapes. They will appear a tiny bit larger at the front top and smaller as they go into the nostril area. Have patience as it may take a little time to draw them all in there.
Adding Highlights
Step 6: Once you have drawn all of the shapes on the nose, use a clickable eraser to gently add some highlighted areas. You don’t want to eraser the inner part of the shapes as white but rather to lighten it up. Some may be just lines along the inner part of the shapes.
Step 7: Use kneaded areas to add some highlights inside the nostrils. Don’t make them too bright. You want them to be just one noticeable.
Shading Tonal Values
Step 8: Use n HB pencil and shade around the bottom of the dog’s nose as shown. Make sure you shade in the proper direction. Add more pressure while shading the bottom right side, and then ease up to a lighter shade. The outside areas will be darker, so more pressure is needed.
Step 9: Blend the fur that you just shaded above with a kleenex. Wrap the kleenex around your first finger and gently blend in the same direction you had shaded. I extended the shading into the white area located at the top of the nose too.
Adding White Fur

Step 10: The final steps! Take a clickable eraser (Tombow MonoZero / Tombow Mono Knock Eraser / Factis BM2) and stroke out fine hairs in the direction of how the fur grows. This is very important! See how the furs overlap and go into the darker areas. We want the darker fur in the background to appear blurred because all the focus is on the front area of the nose.
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