
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to my online class, Drawing Realistic Subjects in Pencil.  I have been teaching adults and children how to draw for over 18 years now. Every weekend I have approximately 32 children in my home with 3 separate classes of 8 students from ages 8 – 18 years old. The online drawing classes were first designed back in 2003 which was considered Canada’s first online drawing classes being offered through Community Colleges.

You can access the lessons straight from your iPad or tablet. If you haven’t read the Syllabus for the course or have seen the drawing lessons you can click here.  You may want to bookmark this page because there is no direct link anywhere on my website.

Whenever you login from the Drawing Classes page you will always come to this Welcome page. All of the drawing lessons are listed on the right column. Only the first drawing lesson will be accessible for now and then the cherries, and apple will be activated the next two weeks. After these two weeks you will have full access to all of the drawing lessons. You will begin the course by drawing a Ball and getting familiar with shading and using various drawing tools.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email [email protected] or on the discussion forum.

Course Navigation

Navigating around the course is easy! On the right side of each page all of the links are listed for the course for easy access. If you are looking at the course from a mobile device you will have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to be able to see them.

You will also see the NEXT or PREVIOUS button at the bottom of each tutorial for another easy way to navigate back and forth from one tutorial to another.

Discussion Forum

When you have finished each drawing lesson please upload it to the Discussion Forum. There will be a link to the forum for each lesson. It will be the green button near the top right side.

You can ask questions and write whatever you would like in your messages. Please do not have your images too large as they will take up a lot of space on my server. It would be recommended if you tried to keep your drawings at approx. 800 pixels wide at 72 dpi.

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